October 18, 2011

Chicken Salad with Sweet Red Grapes

Two weeks ago, we had a pot luck dinner at church 
so I made this chicken salad to share. 
The recipe is simple, quick and as my husband says, Yummilicious!  
This recipe made 24 sandwiches.
4-6 cooked chicken breasts
3/4 cup of mayonnaise  
1/2 cup finely chopped green onions
1/2 cup finely chopped celery
2 cups quartered red seedless grapes
salt and pepper to taste

Shred the cooked chicken breasts.  Mix all the ingredients with the chicken. 
Serve on croissants. See, I told you it was easy...


Grammy Goodwill said...

My stomach actually growled while reading this. Yummy. I love grapes in my chicken salad.

Linda said...

I love grapes in my chicken salad and this looks easy enough for me to do it. Thanks. Stopped by from Tip Junkie

Anonymous said...

This is my favorite sandwich. I always order it when I go to a sandwich shop! Thanks for sharing the recipe!
Stephanie @ Ladywiththeredrocker.wordpress.com

akawest said...

Mmmm...that looks delicious!

annies home said...

love this stuff so super good and makes a perfect sandwich whether for party or lunch :) come see me at http://shopannies.blogspot.com

Marcia - Crafty Sewing and Quilting said...

I love grapes in chicken salad!

Racheal Vaughn said...

this is something i will need to attempt to make. looks good, tasty and easy to do. thank you for sharing.

Anonymous said...

In my opinion,
Chicken Salad isn't Chicken Salad without sweet delicious grapes
please stop by and say hi!

Unknown said...

I featured you today, thanks for sharing!


Unknown said...

I featured you today, thanks for sharing!


Just Jaime said...

YUM! I love chicken salad

Jessica said...

Looks delicious! I love chicken salad with grapes.

Kelli @ The Loss Cause said...

Oh, yummy!

sharjk said...

I make this on a regular basis during summer sometimes I add some mandarin oranges

sharjk said...

Attempt soon its great

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