
August 14, 2011

Easy Backpack to Shoulder Bag

My daughter loves this backpack, BUT it was way too small for her.  She's had it since she was two years old.  Anywhere she went, Deery- Lou had her back.  
So entertaining the idea of giving it away sent Sam into pleading mode; "Please mom...can't you make it bigger?"  Hmmmm?  That got me thinking.  I could make it "bigger"...  
All I did was seam rip-off the straps, 
sewed the straps into one long shoulder strap, (I used the handle to connect the two straps.)
hot glued shut the openings left from seam ripping-off the straps,
 and reattached the now shoulder strap to the sides of the backpack. 
Deery-Lou no longer has Sam's they walk side-by-side. 
I'm positive Sam will continue to treasure her "new" purse for many more years to come, especially since the straps are adjustable and she can make it as "big" as she needs it to be. 


  1. Cute bag, cute girl, cute blog! (Visiting from Dittle Dattle)

  2. What a great way to make her favourite bag 'bigger'!!

    Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
    Hope you have a great week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  3. What a great idea. You are very creative.

    I'd love for you to link up to our "Crafts for Under Twenty-Somethings" Thursdays this week! It's a blog hop specifically for kids and teens ideas, so your ideas would be perfect! I'll hope you'll come link up this Thursday.


  4. Great save for such a cute bag! Well done! I am a new follower and would love for you to link up at my Savvy HomeMade blog party at

    I look forward to blogging with you!

  5. That is a super cute backpack! I can see why she wanted to keep it so badly. What a great mom to make that happen for her. Good job!

  6. I love this idea! I have boys, but there is a little girl inside of me. I know just how she felt about that adorable bag! Maybe one day I will have grand daughters so I can do this. For now, I will pass the idea off to my friends with girls.


  7. Very clever!! I would've never thought to make a bag out of a backpack! Thanks for sharing @'Sew Cute Tuesday'!

  8. I love it great way to make it last longer. Thanks for linking up and sharing!

  9. That is such a cute bag!

    I'm hosting a fabric giveaway this week over at my blog - stop by when you get a chance:

  10. Visiting from Bear rabbit bear.. I really like this idea!

  11. Thank you so much for linking up at Savvy HomeMade Monday, Carmen. I hope you will party again tomorrow!


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