
August 17, 2011

Aguacate con Crema Agria

Here is a simple yet flavorful avacado dip that will have 
you and your guests double dipping at your next party.
You will need:
3 large ripe avacados
1 small tub of sour cream
1/2 cup of finely chopped fresh cilantro
1/2 cup of Chile a la Mexicana (recipe here)
salt to taste
1 bag of tostada chips

Wash cilantro, chop and set aside.  Slice avacados and remove seed.  
Smash avacados. 
Add sour cream, cilantro and Chile a la Mexicana. Mix into a creamy blend. Cover and refrigerate until ready to serve.
and dip again
If you have any dip left, just cover and refrigerate for later...but that's a big IF and I seriously doubt you'll have any left over.  It's that good.  


  1. That dip looks yummy!
    Just stopped by to let you know that I featured your what do do with your skirt post on my round tuit post this week!
    Round Tuit 63
    Thanks again for linking up! Hope you have a great week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success


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