
August 26, 2011

Cha, Cha, Cha, Changes....

Sorry for being absent this week.  School started and all of us here are trying to get used to a new routine. I'll be back next week with some back-to-school sewing projects that I've been working on for my kids.

I have been busy making some cosmetic changes to the blog.  I finally figured out how to add pages and page tabs. Please feel free to click on the new tabs.  I'm still working on the party link tab...I'm adding all the link badges a little at a time.  I also made some new buttons and faith stickers that I am quite proud of.  I hope you like the changes. I think the blog is user friendly now.   

Also, just a heads-up...I will begin hosting a link party every Friday beginning on September 9th.  So get ready to Rock!  I know, I know...kinda cheezy, but hey, it know, 'roca' means 'rock' in Spanish. 

Anyhow, I'm super excited with all the changes going on and I hope you will continue to join me as I Make and Create.

Have a "Cowabunga" Day!!

1 comment:

  1. How did you learn how to add pages to your blog? I need to learn some more, too.


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