
August 11, 2011

You Decide My Skirt's Fate

I have this skirt from Gap.  It is an A Lined circle with panels so it flares out at the bottom. I really love the style and how it fits, BUT I want to do "something" to it.       
I hardly wear it because it is too simple...
Our sweet Sofie Girl ... 

I want to do something creative to it.  And this is where I need your help...I can't decide what I want to do to it.  I've pinned way too many skirts on Pinterest and now I can't make up my mind. Here is what I've chosen in no particular order...

1) Sew on circles and add a matching trim?
2) Paint or sew on a floral design?
3) Paint words? Maybe on one panel or along the bottom?
4) Sew on circles in a pretty pattern? Maybe going up one panel?
5) Paint or applique a pattern around the entire bottom of skirt?
6) Change out a panel and add a trim to bottom?
7) Add different rows of lace?

I am going to leave the decision up to YOU; my readers, followers and anyone that just stops by and leaves a comment.  There are 7 choices (see why I can't make up my mind?) to pick from.  To vote just leave me a comment (voting ends August 19th) at the bottom with your favorite one.  The number with the highest votes wins and I will go with that.   Once I finish with the skirt, I will definitely show you the outcome.  Thanks in advance for your help.  Can't wait...


  1. I say sew on some sexy sircles!

  2. applique a lacy pattern around the entire bottom of skirt. Will look cute!

  3. I really like #2 or #5. If you're going to fabric paint it, a good way to go is buy acrylics and a fabric medium. I used it on some pillows a while back and loved it.

  4. My vote is for #5 applique or paint around the entire bottom. I used a fabric paint on my dining chair slipcovers to write beachy words and they stayed beautiful through the wash.

  5. That is a tough choice, they're all great options. I think I like #4 and #5 the best. Good luck!

  6. Number 7 - looks fab & I'd love to see your take on it :)

  7. I like the last one with the lace.

  8. I would go with number 6! New panel and trim would really brighten it up!

    Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
    Hope you have a great week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  9. I vote sew on circles in a pretty pattern :)

  10. I would do the felt circles....I have a friend from Spain and this looks like a lot of the things she brings back from there. Good Luck! Hmmm, I wonder what is up in my closet that I could do this too?

  11. I like idea #1 & #3. They are great and will add some pop without being too much.


  12. I love #5...and #4 too but I prefer 5 :)


  13. Well, I'd say go with trying the circles or flowers or whatever...sewed on. That way if you don't like it, you can change. If you paint something on it and don't like it, you might be stuck. Make sense?

  14. As lace trimming are trending, it would be the most fashionable option, although also love the idea of the appliques and painting words on it.

  15. I hope my vote counts. I'd go for the first picture. The circles and the trim would go nicely with your skirt, especially if you use earth tones. Can't wait to see what you come up with.


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