
October 18, 2011

You Rock #5 Features

Inch by inch, this party is a cinch! We had 57 superb link-ups last week. All of  you are very creative in very special ways...thanks for all of your inspiration.

Here is the most viewed link-up that ROCKED IT last week....
This Beaded Indian Corn Pin by Lady with the Red Rocker. How cute and fun is this? It it captures the colors of Autumn beautifully... 

My favorite three four (Ha! gotcha!)projects were:

This Popsicle Stick Puzzle by Flip Chick Designs.  So clever. This is a great project for kids big and small...and the picture possibilities are're just gonna have to check out the tutorial to see why.  

Next is this reversible fall dress that Strictly Homemade sewed for her baby girl.  
I can't decide which side I like the best...both are adorable!

 Melanie Ham Designs made this Anthropologie bracelet knock-off. Sophisticated. Stylish. Chic. Classy. Nuff said.

And last, is this DIY Pallet Headboard by The Rooster and the Hen. I am totally speechless.  This headboard is gorgeous and just what I need in my master, hunny, I need to borrow the truck, gonna pick up some pallets...
(This headboard was linked up 13 minutes before the closing of the party...
just goes to show you, it's never too late to link-up!)

So there you have it...5 brilliant projects from 5 very different crafters.  Thank you to all who linked up last week...make sure to come back this coming Friday so we can continue to Make and Create together. If your project was featured, make sure to grab your button.

<div align="center"><a href="" title="roca and company"><img src="" alt="roca and company" style="border:none;" /></a></div>


  1. Wow some really cool projects linked up again last week! I missed the puzzle with the Popsicle sticks! Really like it! Cute reversible dress also!
    See you on Friday!
    Enjoy your day!

  2. So sweet of you to pick us out, we're so honored! Proudly displaying your button!

  3. Thanks so much for featuring my Reversible Baby Dress! It was so much fun to make and I am so glad others like it as much as I do!


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