Here is the list of the contenders for the drawing:
I had planned on having the kids pick a name or a number. Then I came up with a crazy idea to tape numbers to little race car hoods and have them race from a starting line. But that idea would require at least nine hands to push the cars out of the starting line; we only had eight hands (4 people x 2 hands). THEN, I had another idea of having the cars race down a spiraled two laned track. This way, the cars would race and the winner would be chosen by a process of elimination. The kids and I were really on-board with this idea. So off they went, choosing race cars that would actually race all the way down the track and not get stuck midway. They wanted to make sure everyone had a fair racing chance. THEN, the door bell rang. It was the new kid on the, not the New Kids on the Block, but the little girl that just moved in next door. I heard the front door close, feet running upstairs and lots of giggling soon after. So, long story short, my plans were foiled by Emily. Drat!!
So, with my kids happily playing upstairs, I choose the winner the old fashion way. Here is how it went down.
...the winner of the custom made cards by me is DEBIE LARSON!! Debie, when you read this, please contact me so I can email you several fabric options and get the cards out to you. Thanks Debie!!
And thanks to the others also for leaving comments and for following me. So there you have it, RoCa and Company's first give away. I have lots more planned and more give aways, so keep checking in.
This is such a fantastic post but i wonder why no one has commented yet. Well let me be the first to break that curse and jinx. Now soon, you will get a lot of visitors and nice comments. haha